近日,Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Global Kick Off 2024 海克斯康制造智能全球战略启动会&同心汇聚合力 智慧领航未来(The Power of One Hexagon Empowers a Smart Future)大中华区新年会两场大会圆满举行,600多名嘉宾及员工现场出席。
Recently, the Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Global Kick Off 2024 and The Power of One Hexagon Empowers a Smart Future Conference were successfully held in Qingdao. Over 600 guests and employees attended on-site.
大会上提出One MI战略,海克斯康以领先科技引领行业发展,以智慧驱动行业引擎,共赋智慧未来。今年海克斯康制造智能全球战略启动会在坐落于青岛的海克斯康智慧产业园举行,是该大会首次在中国举办。该产业园依托其在智能制造和智慧城市的数字化信息技术解决方案,真正实现了园区建设与运维的数字化、安全化、高效化、智慧化。
This year's Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Global Kick Off has been held in Hexagon Smart Industrial Park, it's the first time the conference has been held in China. This Industrial Park relies on its digital information technology solutions in intelligent manufacturing and smart cities, it has achieved the digitalization, security, efficiency, and intelligence of park construction and operation.
这是海克斯康第一次在中国进行全球会议的直播,也是深度传播集团在服务全球化客户道路上的又一里程碑案例。而深度要做的,就是助力海克斯康讲好One MI之旅一路向前的愿景使命。在设计方面,深度团队放大会场的场地优势,科技感硬体搭建,休闲舒适之中传递技术实力。
This is Hexagon's first global live broadcast in China, and it is also a milestone case for DPR in serving global customers. Our goal is to help Hexagon articulate its vision and mission for future development. In terms of on-site design, the DPR team magnified the venue's advantages, combining a sense of technology and leisure, allowing guests to experience the technical strength of Hexagon.
海克斯康打造ONE HEXAGON 产业布局,推动数字化转型和可持续发展,让海克斯康的智能制造技术和方案为各个城市和全国大中小企业赋能,使企业、行业、人类实现持续繁荣。
The ONE HEXAGON industrial layout promotes digital transformation and sustainable development. At present, Hexagon's intelligent manufacturing technology and solutions have empowered various cities and enterprises across the country, enabling enterprises, industries, and humanity to achieve sustained prosperity.
众多大型活动的优质保障经验,是深度团队不断前行的源动力。深度将中国传统文化的龙年与海克斯康“The power of one”进行设计结合,以ONE为变形,设计出及科技感、设计感、创意感于一体的主视觉logo。
The high-quality experience of numerous large-scale events is the driving force behind the continuous progress of the DPR team. We combines the traditional Chinese culture of the Dragon Year with the conference theme, using ONE as a transformation to design a main visual logo that combines a sense of technology, design, and creativity.
Ending环节,利用舞美结构打造沉浸式贯穿全屏效果的龙概念视频,配合冷焰火以极具视觉冲击力的现场打造Happy Ending。
In the ending section, the DPR team utilized stage design to create an immersive full screen dragon concept video, combined with cold fireworks, to create a visually impactful Happy Ending
同心汇聚合力 智慧领航未来
The Power of One Hexagon
Empowers a Smart Future
一种想法 一种意志
Take every step
DPR is moving forward